The first issue of the Spacemen 3 fanzine Outer Limits, reproduced here with the kind permission of the editor.
There is too much here to transcribe, so as an alternative, here is the whole issue as one pdf file, which has been made with added Optical Character Recognition text. Outer Limits 1 (OCR pdf)
Outer Limits came with a variety of interesting extras. Free with this issue was a lyric sheet for Sound Of Confusion, suitable for inserting into the LP sleeve; a fold-out cover for a Spectrum single that had been given away at recent gigs in a plain sleeve; a card cassette inlay, that could be adapted for whatever recording went with it; and a small card flyer for the publication. This issue was published when relations between the main Spacemen were at a bit of a low, and the fanzine also included letters from Jason and Pete regarding the situation.