Nice discovery of a flyer for the 25 May 1989 gig at Bloom, Mezzago, Italy. Courtesy of Kirill Maslov.
Category archives: Uncategorized
New gig – Northampton Arts Centre, 3 October 1987
Kirill Maslov has found some evidence of a gig that we didn’t previously know about, at Northampton Arts Centre on 3 October 1987.
Spiritualized album and tour announced
The new Spiritualized album, Everything Was Beautiful, is out on 25 February 2022, with an extensive tour following shortly afterwards. Much more detail on the official site.
Flyer and ticket, Bristol Bierkeller, 14 June 1989
Flyer and ticket for Spacemen 3’s gig at the Bristol Bierkeller, 14 June 1989, courtesy of PeteThePunk.
Gig poster – The Asylum, Manchester, 27 August 1987
There was already a black and white copy of the poster from this gig floating around, but now Kirill Maslov has found a colour version to go with it, as well as a completely different design for the same gig.
Spacemen Pod Episode 7
In this episode, we walk with Jesus as we discuss one of Spacemen 3’s most famous songs. Ian and Mark disect the many recorded versions, and are joined by Pat Fish of The Jazz Butcher for a chat about a couple of versions where Pat supplied vocals. Plus contributions from a few other fans for …
Gig ticket – Velvet Estate, Rimini, 26 May 1989
Kirill Maslov has tracked down this ticket for the 26 May 1989 gig at the Velvet Estate, Rimini, Italy. It has been signed by Robert Butler from The Miracle Workers, the headline band for the night, making this the only gig on the 1989 European tour that I’m aware of that Spacemen 3 didn’t headline.
Podcast interview with Pete Kember
The new episode of the James McMahon podcast is an interview with Pete Kember. First two-thirds or so are mostly an interesting, if slightly depressing, discussion of the state of the world. But there’s a fair bit of Spacemen 3 chat starting around 40 minutes in. Only on Spotify as far as I can see, …
Live photo, Reading Festival, 25 August 1989
A photo from the last Spacemen 3 gig at the Reading Festival, 25 August 1989, recently posted on Twitter by TheJazzDad. Not the ideal location to be photographing the stage from, perhaps, but it’s the best one of this gig that we have, and you can actually see Mark Refoy. No one is sitting down!
Gig poster – 1000 Appeltjes, Antwerp, Belgium, 10 March 1987
I already had a picture of this poster from the first Spacemen 3 gig outside the UK on 10 March 1987, but it’s nice to have a much clearer version. Based on the cover of Thin Lizzy’s Jailbreak!