Pete Kember – Jason Pierce – Will Carruthers – Johnny Mattock
Rollercoaster / Mary Anne / Things’ll Never Be The Same / Take Me To The Other Side / Bo Diddley Jam / Transparent Radiation / Revolution / Suicide / Walkin’ With Jesus
Thanks to Kirill Maslov for the various images. The write-up translates as: “Hailing from the peaceful town of Rugby in England, the Spacemen 3 live in another dimension where the notion of time does not exist. They attach, they say, a great deal of importance to playing live, allowing them to build a psychedelic atmosphere, hypnotizing the audience taken on a journey of discovery of new senses. For once the Ubu will have a little taste of Space! …”
The review is from French fanzine In The Rain – many thanks to editor and author of this piece for help with the translation.
Text of In The Rain review
Lors de la première partie un groupe ayant l’amalgame entre The Jesus & Mary Chain et les Stooges mais dont le chanteur se prenait trop pour Iggy Pop. J’avais remarqué près de moi un type longiligne qui semblait s’intéresser au groupe. Plus tard pendant le concert des Spacemen 3. J’ai retrouvé ce type à côté de moi, rien d’étrange en apparence vu le nombre réduit de personnes dans la salle si ce n’est que qu’il était sur scène une minute auparavant :
c’était le guitariste qui avait laissé ces compères pour les voir jouer!
Quatre sur scène (comme les 3 mousquetaires), très calmes, un des guitaristes jouant assis devant son ampli: guitares et amplis Vox, vibrato, rythme lent et son très fort les Spacemen 3 nous hypnotisent, par une musique simple, répétitive, instinctive qui agit sur les moindres circonvolutions de votre cerveau pour vous plonger dans un état de semi-hébétude, avec un flash during “Revolution”. On se laisse donc porter doucement dans les constellations psychédéliques de ces astronautes pour en redescendre une heure plus tard tout aussi douceme,nt, et heureux, la tête embuée et pleine d’images.
Translation of In The Rain review
During the set of the support act, a blend of The Jesus & Mary Chain and the Stooges but whose singer pretended too much of being Iggy Pop. I had noticed a lanky guy near me who seemed to be interested in the band. Later on, during the Spacemen 3 concert. I found this guy again close to me, nothing really strange considering the small number of people in the room except that he was on stage a minute ago: it was the guitarist who abandoned his cronies to see them play!
Four on stage (like the 3 musketeers), very calm, one of the guitarists sitting in front of his amp: guitars and Vox amps, vibrato, slow rhythm and very strong sound the Spacemen 3 hypnotize us, with a simple, repetitive, instinctive music that acts on the smallest convolutions of our brain to plunge you into a state of semi-daze, with a sudden flash during “Revolution”. We, then; let ourselves to be slowly carried in the psychedelic constellations of these astronauts only to come down just as slowly; happily, an hour later, the head misted up and full of images.